Growing up I was a huge fan of Mortal Combat. I was obsessed with body building and kung fu. Why? Because I was picked on. I’m now 6′ 5″ and I weight 320 pounds and no one picks on me anymore, but I sometimes wish they would. Because now I can wear a mask and be a real life Ninja. Yep. When Coronavirus happened I saw people wearing a variety of home made face masks and I knew that I could never do that. Nope. I’m not tying a tampon around my face or a sponge. Yes, I’ve seen both of those images floating around along with a number of equally embarrassing options that I would rather die than to wear. I’m not trying to make light of a serious situation, but, I will tell you that I am very vain and I don’t like looking silly out in public – unless I’m trying to be silly, then you can bet your sweet bippy that some silliness will be seen.
So here I am, 30 days into this virus and I have no mask, but, a friend of mine buys me this cool mask with wheels on it. It’s called “Ride or Die”. Super cool right? Yes, for someone with a normal sized face. But I have a huge face and a beard and when I put on the gifted mask it was so tight that it pulled my ears forward and I looked like a small eared version of Mickey Mouse. It was not a good look.
Enter Ugmonk…

Jeff Sheldon of Ugmonk sends out the best emails with all the cool goodies that he sells online. Some of the items he designs, some of them he curates, all of them are awesome. And, sometimes the items he sells are also for a good cause – like helping out a small business. So he partnered with one of his t-shirt manucturers and they created a simple and very comfortable Ugmonk branded face mask! Yes! I bought one immediately and when I put it on I was so happy. It was snug, but comfy and breathable and best of all, it looked cool. Move over Scorpion from Mortal Kombat, Eddie Renz is in town! Dang. My name sounds so boring next to Scorpion, I need a great video game name, oh, wait, I have one, it’s Lovable Gorilla… but, that doesn’t sound very menacing and the whole point of wearing a mask is to be menacing! Okay, not really, the point is to stay safe and here at Stature Design we want you to stay safe while looking good and helping out small businesses. So zip over to Ugmonk and grab you and your friends and your kids a mask or two. Look good. Feel Good. Stay Healthy.
And just for the record, we aren’t getting any kickbacks for this post. We just love what Jeffrey is doing over at Ugmonk and we want to spread the word about his great and timely products.